IBSS collection of marine parasites – bibliography / Коллекция паразитов морских рыб и беспозвоночных ФИЦ ИнБЮМ — библиография

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The collection of parasites from marine fishes and invertebrates, which is curated by the A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the Russian Academy of Science, was founded in the late 1950s by research workers of Sevastopol Biological Station. The greatest contributions to the establishment of this collection were made by V. M. Nikolaeva, A. M. Parukhin, T. N. Mordvinova, and L. P. Tkachuk.

The collection continues to grow in size as type- and voucher-material of new and other taxa are added.

In 2015 and 2016, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research supported the project for the creation of an on-line electronic catalogue of the collection and an associated taxonomic database via RFBR Grant No. 15-29-02684 ofi-m.

More info: marineparasites.org


Новые материалы

Сейчас показывается 1 - 40 из 47
  • Материал
    Two New Families and a New Species of Myxosporeans (Myxozoa, Myxosporea) from the Mediterranean and Black Sea Fishes
    (2011) Yurakhno, V. M.
    Descriptions of two new families — Polysporoplasmidae fam. n. (Syn. Sphaerosporidae Davis, 1917 in Sitja-Bobadilla, Alvarez-Pellitero, 1995) and Gadimyxidae fam. n. (syn. Parvicapsulidae Schulman, 1953 in Kinie et al., 2007), and one new species of myxosporeans — Gadimyxa ovale sp. n. — parasites of fishes of the Mediterranean and the Black Seas are presented. Species of the genus Gadimyxa is found for the first time in the Black Sea.
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    О находке цистаканта Southwellina hispida (Acanthocephala, Polymorphidae) у черноморского сингиля Liza aurata
    (2005) Белофастова, И. П.
    Приведены описание и оригинальные рисунки цистаканта Southwellina hispida (Van Cleave, 1925) Witenberg, 1932, впервые обнаруженного в брюшной полости черноморского сингиля Liza aurata в районе Севастополя (Черное море).
  • Материал
    О таксономическом статусе некоторых видов скребней (Acanthocephala) черноморских рыб
    (2004) Белофастова, И. П.
    Проанализированы литературные и собственные данные по морфологии четырех видов скребней от черноморских рыб, относившихся ранее к роду Acanthocephaloides (А. propinquus (Dujardin, 1845) Meyer, 1933; A. incrassatus (Molin, 1858) Meyer, 1933; A. kostylewi Meyer, 1933, A. rhytidotes (Porta, 1905) Belofastova et Kornijchuk, 2000). Установлено: A. incrassatus в Черном море отсутствует; A. propinquus — широкоспецифичный вид с 4-6 крючьями в 10-12 рядах на хоботке, паразитирует в кишечнике у 29 видов черноморских рыб; узкоспецифичный вид A. kostylewi от морского языка Solea nasutus (Pallas, 1814) с 5-6 крючьями в 12-14 рядах на хоботке морфологически близок как к Solearhynchus soleae (Porta, 1905) Buron et Maillard, 1985, так и к A. rhytidotes (Monticelli, 1905). Все 3 видовых названия, очевидно, являются синонимами. Приоритетность какого-либо из них остается спорной.
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    Kudoa unicapsula n. sp. (Myxosporea: Kudoidae) a parasite of the Mediterranean mullets Liza ramada and L. aurata (Teleostei: Mugilidae)
    (2007) Yurakhno, V. M.; Ovcharenko, M. O.; Holzer, A. S.; Sarabeev, V. L.; Balbuena, J. A.
    A new multivalvulid myxozoan parasite, Kudoa unicapsula n. sp., is described from the intestinal mesentery, intestine and pyloric caeca of the thin-lipped grey mullet Liza ramada (Risso 1826) and the golden grey mullet L. aurata (Risso, 1810) from the Mediterranean coastal waters of Spain. It is characterized by the presence of elongated, rice corn-like white cysts of 0.47–0.56×0.18–0.38 mm, filled with tetracapsulate, slightly asymmetric spores, rectangular in apical view and tear-shaped in lateral view with four polar capsules of considerably different size and slightly unequal spore valves with rounded edges, overlapping each other on the apex of the spore. One large polar capsule includes a polar filament coiled in two to three turns, and the other three polar capsules, which are very small, posses only a rudimental filament. Both light and electron microscopy data showed that this species differs from all previously described Kudoa spp. with unequal polar capsules. The molecular analysis based on 18S and 28S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid DNA sequence data of K. unicapsula n. sp. indicates a close relationship and thus phylogenetic clustering together with K. trifolia, a myxozoan from the same host and the same geographical location.
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    Новые виды миксоспориднй черноморских рыб
    (1991) Юрахно, В. М.
    Приведено описание шести новых видов миксоспоридий родов Myxidium, Ceratomyxa, Myxobilatus, Kudoa, паразитирующих в рыбах Черного моря.
  • Материал
    Study of Myxosporea (Myxozoa), infecting worldwide mullets with description of a new species
    (2014) Yurakhno, V. M.; Ovcharenko, M. O.
    Existing data on Myxozoa parasites infecting mullets were reviewed. The validity of nine species names was updated. Sixteen species were registered during analysis of original material collected in the Mediterranean, Black, Azov, and Japan Seas in 2004–2005. A new bivalvulid myxozoan parasite, Myxobolus adeli n. sp., was described from the inner organs of the golden grey mullet Liza aurata (Risso, 1810) collected in the Mediterranean (Ebro Delta, Spain), Black Sea (Kerch Strait, Ukraine), and Azov Sea (Genichesk, Ukraine) coastal waters. It is characterized by the presence of elongated, spindle-like cysts 0.5–1.3 mm in size, filled with wide transverse-oval spores about 6.2×7.2×4.6 μm in size, with two equal polar capsules measuring about 3.0×1.8 μm and short polar filament, turned into four coils. The obtained data show that this species differs from all previously described Myxobolus spp. with equal polar capsules. Comparative study of Myxobolus spp. recorded in worldwide mullets indicates a close relationship with M. adeli n. sp. and Myxobolus improvisus Isjumova, 1964 registered in mullets. Probably, the last species includes representatives of some different species, infecting freshwater and marine hosts.
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    Taxonomic Status of Neoechinorhynchus agilis (Acanthocephala, Neoechinorhynchidae), with a Description of Two New Species of the Genus from the Atlantic and Pacific Mullets (Teleostei, Mugilidae)
    (2014) Tkach, Ie. V.; Sarabeev, V. L.; Shvetsova, L. S.
    The wide variability in morphological features, geographical and host ranges of mullet acanthocephalan parasite Neoechinorhynchus agilis (Rudolphi, 1819), raises the question of taxonomic status of this species. Rudolphi’s type and Yamaguti`s voucher specimens, as well as our own material from the WW Pacific and NE Atlantic region were used herein to provide comparative morphological analysis. The study revealed three different species of Neoechinorhynchus, N. (N.) agilis and N. (H.) personatus Tkach, Sarabeev et Shvetsova, sp. n. in the Atlantic and N. (H.) yamagutii Tkach, Sarabeev et Shvetsova, sp. n. in the Pacific. Strong morphological and morphometric differences were found between three described herein species from different hosts and regions. The dividing of N. agilis into three species, two of them are new, provides a basis for the further revision of host-geographical records of mullet acanthocephalan parasites.
  • Материал
    Первая регистрация Progrillotia dasyatidis Beveridge, Neifar et Euzet, 2004 (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) у рыб Черного моря
    (2014) Полякова, Т. А.; Корнюшин, В. В.; Масленникова, М. В.
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    Description of Echinobothrium typus van Beneden, 1849 (Platyhelminthes: Diphyllidea) from Raja clavata Linnaeus, 1758 (Pisces: Rajidae) in the Black Sea
    (2015) Polyakova, T. A.
    Mature specimens of the cestode Echinobothrium typus van Beneden, 1849 from the thornback ray Raja clavata Linnaeus, 1758 that inhabit the Black Sea are found and described in detail for the first time. New details of the scolex armature and reproductive system structures of E. typus are revealed. Infection indices of this cestode in the thornback rays are analyzed. It is shown that the occurrence of E. typus in the definitive host Raja clavata depends not only on the presence and the population density of the intermediate host, presumably, amphipods Perioculodes longimanus Bate et Westwood, 1868, but also on the age related changes in the food spectrum of the thornback rays.
  • Материал
    Первое описание морфологии цестоды Rhinebothrium walga (Tetraphyllidea, Phyllobothriidae) от ската Dasyatis pastinaca из Черного моря
    (2006) Полякова, Т. А.
    Первое описание морфологии цестоды Rhinebothrium walga (Tetraphyllidea, Phyllobothriidae) от ската Dasyatis pastinaca из Черного моря. Полякова Т. А. — Цестода Rhinebothrium walga (Shipley et Hornell, 1906) от Dasyatis pastinaca была найдена в Черном море впервые. Дано расширенное описание морфологии и развития половой системы. Проведен сравнительный анализ таксономически важных морфологических признаков R. walga от D. pastinaca из Черного и Средиземного морей.
  • Материал
    Nematobothrium rachycentri sp. nov. (Didymozoidae) — новая для науки трематода из рыбы Северо-Вьетнамского (Тонкинского) залива
    (1969) Парухин, А. М.
    В настоящей статье дается описание нового для (науки вида трематод из гельминтологического материала, собранного Вьетнамской экспедицией Тихоокеанского (научно-исследовательского института «рыбного хозяйства и океанографии в Северо-Вьетнамском (Тонкинском) заливе.
  • Материал
    Morphology, histology and phylogeny of Henneguya sinova sp. nov. (Myxobolidae: Myxozoa) infecting gills of Parablennius tentacularis in the Black Sea, Turkey
    (2016) Özer, A.; Özkan, H.; Gürkanlı, C. T.; Yurakhno, V.; Çiftçi, Y.
    Myxosporeans of the genus Henneguya have a global distribution and infect organs and tissues of both marine and freshwater fishes. Here we describe the morphological, histological and molecular characteristics of Henneguya sinova sp. nov. parasitizing the gill arches of tenta-cled blenny Parablennius tentacularis (Perciformes: Blenniidae) collected from the coast of Sinop on the Black Sea in Turkey. Several oval whitish plasmodia of different sizes in the gill arches of fish were found. The mature spores were rounded oval in frontal view, with a mean (range) total length 57.5 (51.5-68.0) µm; the spore body was 11.7 (11.3-12.0) µm in length by 7.6 (7.3-8.3) µm in width and 6.7 (6.6-6.8) µm in thickness. The caudal appendages, measuring 46.0 (40.0-55.0) µm in length, were very thin at the tapered end. The prevalence of infection by H. sinova sp. nov. was 35.5%. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) clearly suggested H. sinova as a new species which is clustered within the marine Henneguya lin­eage. Pairwise nucleotide similarities and DNA distance values of SSU rDNA between H. sinova sp. nov. and other related Henneguya species also supported this suggestion.
  • Материал
    Новый род трематод семейства Didymozoidae из скумбрии Индийского океана
    (1979) Николаева, В. М.; Ткачук, Л. П.
    Дано описание нового рода и вида Paranematobothrium triplovitellatum gen. et. sp. n. из полости тела скумбрии Индийского океана.
  • Материал
    Новые виды трематод сем. Didymozoidae от океанических рыб
    (1971) Николаева, В. М.; Парухин, А. М.
  • Материал
    Новый род трематод семейства Didymozoidae из Красного моря
    (1969) Николаева, В. М.; Парухин, А. М.
    В период работы III Красноморской экспедиции в 1966 г. на экспедиционном судне «Академик А. Ковалевский» собран обширный гельминтологический материал (Парухин, 1967). Среди трематод рыб обнаружены мариты семейства Didymozoidae (Monticelli, 1888) Poche, 1907, поражающие обилием видового состава. В настоящей статье мы приводим описание нового рода и вида дидимозоид.
  • Материал
    Skrjabinozoum delamurei sp. n. (Trematoda, Didymozoidae) от кубоглава из восточной Атлантики
    (1988) Николаева, В. М.; Мордвинова, Т. Н.
    Материал собран в Атлантическом океане во время 18-го рейса НИС «Профессор Водяницкий» (декабрь 1984 — март 1985 гг.). Гельминтологическому анализу подвергнуто 35 кубоглавов Cubiceps pauciradiatus, 8 из которых были заражены трематодами семейства Didymozoidae с интенсивностью инвазии 1—4 эка. Дидимозоиды относятся к подсемейству Skrjabimozoinae Yamaguti, 1971 и роду Skrjabinozoum Nikolaeva et Paruchin, 1969.
  • Материал
    Второй представитель рода Koellikeria (Trematoda, Didymozoidae) в морских лещах
    (1988) Николаева, В. М.; Мордвинова, Т. Н.
    Приведены описание, рисунки и дифференциальный диагноз нового вида дидимозоид Koellikeria inbumi sp. n., обнаруженного в брюшной полости морских лещей Brama sp. в Индийском и под жаберной крышкой Brama brama в Атлантическом океанах.
  • Материал
    Новые данные о трематодах рода Gonapodasmius (Trematoda, Didymozoidae) от летучих рыб Атлантического океана
    (1988) Николаева, В. М.; Мордвинова, Т. Н.
    В статье приводятся сведения о зараженности летучих рыб семейства Exocoetidae трематодами Gonapodasmius cypseluri Yamaguti и G. spilonotopteri Yamaguti и дается их переописание. Материалом для работы послужили сборы гельминтов от летучих рыб, выловленных в Атлантическом океане в 27-м рейсе НИС «Академик Вернадский» в 1983 г. сотрудниками отдела ихтиологии Института биологии южных морей АН УССР и вскрытые затем Т. Н. Мордвиновой, а также сборы гельминтов, проведенные ею же в 18-м рейсе НИС «Профессор Водяницкий» в 1985 г.
  • Материал
    Nematobothrioides australiensis sp. n. — новая трематода австралийской скумбрии
    (1970) Николаева, В. М.; Коротаева, В. Д.
    Дано описание нового вида трематод сем. Didymozoidae — Nematobothrioides australiensis Nikolaeva et Korotaeva sp. n., обнаруженного у австралийской скумбрии Scomber australasicus. Предполагается, что половое созревание трематоды связано со сроком икрометания хозяина.
  • Материал
    Трематоды рода Gonapodasmius от некоторых сарганообразных рыб Индийского и Тихого океанов
    (1981) Николаева, В. М.; Гиченок, Л. А.
    У пяти видов сарганообразных рыб, обитающих в тропической зоне Индийского и Тихого океанов, обнаружены два вида трематод из рода Gonapodasmius семейства Didymozoidae. Один вид — G. oxyporhamphii — оказался новым.
  • Материал
    Новый вид Gonapodasmius (Trematoda) у нового для семейства Didymozoidae хозяина
    (1985) Николаева, В. М.; Гаевская, А. В.
    При обработке паразитологического материала, собранного от рыб юго-восточной части Атлантического океана, обнаружен новый вид из семейства Didymozoidae, описание которого приводим ниже.
  • Материал
    Род Kudoa Meglitsch, 1948. Kudoa nova Najdenova sp. nov.
    (1975) Найденова, Н. Н.
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    Новый вид - Didymozoon musculi sp. n. (Trematoda, Didymozoidae) из мускулатуры плоскоголовов
    (1991) Мордвинова, Т. Н.; Николаева, В. М.
  • Материал
    Новый вид трематод Nematobothrium atlanticus (Didymozoidae) - паразит летучих рыб
    (1989) Мордвинова, Т. Н.
    В Центрально-Восточной Атлантике в 1985 г. у летучих рыб рода Cheilopogon в орбите глаза обнаружен новый для науки вид дидимозоидных трематод, описанию которого посвящена настоящая статья.
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    Two monogenean species (Platyhelminthes) infecting Gobius cobitis Pallas, 1811 (Osteichthyes: Gobiidae) off Sardinia, western Mediterranean Sea
    (2010) Merella, P.; Dmitrieva, E.; Piras, M. C.; Huyse, T.; Gerasev, P.; Garippa, G.
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    Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti Diamanka, Boudaya, Toguebaye & Pariselle, 2011 (Monogenea: Diplectanidae) from the gills of Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Pisces: Sparidae) collected in the Arabian Sea, with comments on the distribution, specificity and historical biogeography of Lamellodiscus spp.
    (2014) Machkewskyi, V. K.; Dmitrieva, E. V.; Gibson, D. I.; Al-Jufaili, S.
    Specimens of Lamellodiscus Johnston & Tiegs, 1922 (Monogenea: Diplectanidae) were collected from the gills of Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Sparidae) in the Arabian Sea. All of these parasites belonged to one and the same species, which is morphologically very close to L. euzeti Diamanka, Boudaya, Toguebaye & Pariselle, 2011. A different host, distant locality and small morphological differences compared with the original description of L. euzeti acted as a stimulus for a detailed redescription. The specimens from the Arabian Sea differ slightly in the details of the male copulatory organ (MCO) from the type-specimens of L. euzeti, which were re-examined, and from the respective drawings in its original description. Such differences include a longer inner process of the large element of the accessory piece associated with the proximal part of the copulatory tube, a longer point on the small element of the accessory piece associated with the distal part of the copulatory tube, and the presence of a smooth or slightly folded inner margin of this element rather than structures resembling spines which occur in the typespecimens of L. euzeti. Therefore, the present specimens infecting C. nufar in the Indo-Pacific may represent a different, but morphologically very similar species to the Atlantic form L. euzeti; consequently, they are recognised here as Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti. This form belongs to the ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup of the genus. The composition of this subgroup is redefined to comprise 17 species, including L. corallinus Paperna, 1965 but excluding L. acanthopagri Roubal, 1981, and the morphology of the MCO of representatives of this group is clarified. A link between the diversity of Lamellodiscus species and the ancestral origin of present-day sparid species in the Tethys Sea is suggested. It is shown that Lamellodiscus spp. exhibit rather high levels of specificity to their hosts, since half of them parasitise only a single host species and c.90% infect closely related host species. Comparison of the levels of host-specificity of the species of this genus with other narrowly specific genera of the Dactylogyridea revealed that their estimations are comparable. The possibility of intrahost speciation within Lamellodiscus is discussed. It is shown that a co-evolutionary model is more discernible if it includes data on the occurrence of morphologically similar species from different regions and host taxa.
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    Microcotyle omanae n. sp. (Monogenea: Microcotylidae), a parasite of Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Sparidae) from the Arabian Sea
    (2013) Machkewskyi, V. K.; Dmitrieva, E. V.; Al-Jufaili, S.; Al-Mazrooei, N. A. M.
    Microcotyle omanae n. sp. (Monogenea: Microcotylidae) is described from the gills of Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Sparidae) from the Arabian Sea. The new species closely resembles Microcotyle arripis Sandars, 1945, M. helotes Sandars, 1944, M. caudata Goto, 1984 and M. sebastis Goto, 1984, which have also been found in the Indo-Pacific. Microcotyle omanae n. sp. differs from M. arripis, M. helotes and M. caudata by its greater number of testes, from M. arripis, M. helotes by its greater length of the genital atrium, length/width ratio of the genital atrium and length of the eggs, and from M. helotes also in greater width of the clamps, from M. caudata and M. sebastis in its greater number of clamps and additionally from M. sebastis by its smaller genital atrial spines and clamps and by the ratio between length and width of the genital atrium. Moreover, the mature specimens of the new species have greater average body length than all above mentioned species. Correlations between 15 morphometric characters and body length are analysed in the new species, and their significance for species differentiation is discussed.
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    Telosentis exiguus (von Linstow, 1901) (Palaeacanthocephala: Illiosentidae), a generalist parasite of fishes in the Mediterranean basin
    (2010) Kvach, Y.; Sasal, P.
    The morphology of material of the acanthocephalan genus Telosentis van Cleave, 1923 from different parts of the Mediterranean basin is examined in order to assess the validity of T. molini van Cleave, 1923. A redescription of T. exiguus, a generalist species of fishes in the Mediterranean basin, is presented especially in relation to the number of proboscis hooks. The main characteristic of T. exiguus is a cylindrical or club-shaped proboscis, which is covered with 12 longitudinal rows of 14–19 hooks in males and 16–20 in females. Males and females differ in both body size and the number of proboscis hooks. T. molini is considered a junior synonym of T. exiguus. A key to the species of Telosentis is presented.
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    Новые виды миксоспоридии (Cnidospora, Myxosporea) рыб Черного моря
    (1988) Ковалева, А. А.; Донец, З. С.; Колесникова, М. Г.
    При обследовании миксоспоридий рыб в Черном море обнаружены новые виды родов Zshokkella, Pseudalataspora и Chloromyxum. Впервые для данной акватории указываются представители рода Pseudalataspora. Сбор и обработка материалов осуществлялась согласно методике 3. С. Донец и С. С. Шульмана (1973). Все типовые экземпляры хранятся в паразитологической коллекции Атлантического научно-исследовательского института рыбного хозяйства и океанографии (АтлантНИРО, Калининград).
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    Cairaeanthus gen. n. (Cestoda, Rhinebothriidea), with the Description of Two New Species from Dasyatis pastinaca in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
    (2012) Kornyushin, V. V.; Polyakova, T. A.
    Two new species were identified among cestodes collected from Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Their morphology corresponds in the most characters to the descriptions of Phyllobothrium lactuca van Beneden, 1850 and P. gracilis Wedl, 1855 by L. Borcea (Borcea, 1934) and T. P. Pogorel’tseva (Pogorel’tseva, 1960) from the same host and seas. However, some morphological characters of these cestodes (namely, the marginal loculi on the pedicellate bothridia, cephalic peduncle, absence of the apical sucker and post-poral testes, genital pore opening marginally, close to posterior end of proglottid) correspond to diagnosis of Rhinebothriidea. Since the species from the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov did not fit diagnoses of any known genera currently belonging to Rhinebothriidea, the new genus, Cairaeanthus Kornyushin et Polyakova, gen. n., with two species, C. ruhnkei Kornyushin et Polyakova, sp. n. and C. healyae Kornyushin et Polyakova, sp. n., is established. Cairaeanthus gen. n. differs from Anthocephalum Linton, 1890 in absence of apical sucker, posteriorly bifid bothridia and vitelline fields interrupted by the ovary, not extending in the posterior end of the proglottid. The new genus can be distinguished from Rhinebothrium Linton, 1890, Echeneibothium van Beneden, 1850, Rhabdotobothrium Euzet, 1953, Rhinebothroides Mayes, Brooks et Thorson, 1981, Scalithrium Ball, Neifar et Euzet, 2003 by the absence of facial loculi on the bothridia and by numerous vitelline follicles, stopping at the anterior margin of the ovary; from Rhodobothrium Linton, 1889 – by absence of post-poral testes, and from Spongiobothrium Linton, 1889 – by numerous vitelline follicles, stopping at the level of ovary. C. ruhnkei sp. n. differs from C. healyae sp. n. in the lengths of the strobila, the cephalic peduncle and the bothridia pedicel, in size of marginal loculi and the ovary, in the number of the proglottids and the testes in the proglottid, and in the structure of genital atrium. Two new species are differentiated also from the morphologically related species Phyllobothrium pastinacae Mokhtar-Mocamouri, Zamali, 1981. Examined type specimens of P. pastinacae were attributed to Rhinebothiidea based on a set of morphological characters. However, they appear to differ from all known Rhinebothriidea, including the species from the genera Anthocephalum Linton, 1890 and Cairaeanthus gen. n. Taxonomic position of P.pastinacae needs further identification.
  • Материал
    Cainocreadium flesi sp. n. (Trematoda, Opecoelidae) – новый вид трематод черноморских рыб
    (2000) Корнийчук, Ю. М.; Гаевская, А. В.
    Приведено описание нового вида трематод – Cainocreadium flesi sp. n., паразитирующего в кишечнике черноморской глоссы Platichthys flesus luscus (Pallas). Вид отличается от наиболее близкого – C. labracis – формой яичника, относительными размерами бурсы, брюшной присоски и семенного пузырька, а также размерами яиц. Показано, что трематоды черноморской глоссы, отнесенные С. У. Османовым к C. labracis, в действительности являются C. flesi.
  • Материал
    First records of species of Ligophorus Euzet et Suriano, 1977 (Ancyrocephalidae) from the Sea of Oman
    (2013) Dmitrieva, E. V.; Gerasev, P. I.; Machkevskyi, V. K.; Al-Jufaili, S.
  • Материал
    Gyrodactylus leopardinus sp. n. (Monogenea) — паразит бычка Pomatoschistus marmoratus (Gobiidae) из Азовского моря
    (2005) Дмитриева, Е. В.; Скидан, Н.
    От леопардового лысуна из Молочного лимана Азовского моря описан новый вид гиродактилид, относящийся к G. arcuatus-group Malmberg, 1970. Описанный вид отличается от G. cf. arcuatus большими размерами брюшной соединительной пластинки, а также размерами и формой краевого крючка, имеющего одинаковой ширины дистальную и проксимальную части собственно краевого крючка. Проанализирована встречаемость моногеней рода Gyrodactylus на бычках рода Pomatoschistus и обсуждены возможные пути формирования их специфичности.
  • Материал
    Ligophorus llewellyni n. sp. (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) from the redlip mullet Liza haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) introduced into the Black Sea from the Far East
    (2007) Dmitrieva, E. V.; Gerasev, P. I.; Pron’kina, N. V.
    Ligophorus llewellyni n. sp. (Ancyrocephalidae: Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977) is described from the gills of Liza haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) introduced into the Black Sea from the Far East. Ligophorus llewellyni is closely related to L. pilengas Sarabeev & Balbuena, 2004, which parasitises the same host species. The two species differ in the morphology of the accessory piece of the copulatory organ and in some of the characters of the haptoral hard-parts. The morphometric variability of L. llewellyni and in its morphologically most similar congeners from the Black Sea is studied. Correlations between 30 morphometric characters of the haptoral hard-parts and the significance of each for species differentiation are examined. It is suggested that only 22 characters are useful as diagnostic criteria permitting the differentiation of morphologically similar species of Ligophorus.
  • Материал
    Descriptions of eight new species of Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) from Red Sea mullets
    (2012) Dmitrieva, E. V.; Gerasev, P. I.; Gibson, D. I.; Pronkina, N. V.; Galli, P.
    Eight new species of Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) are described from two species of mullets from the Red Sea. Ligophorus bykhowskyi n. sp. and L. zhangi n. sp. from Crenimugil crenilabris (Forsskal) differ from other species of the genus in the structure of the male copulatory organ, which has a simple accessory piece and a wide copulatory tube that arises from a large, single-chambered, expanded base. Ligophorus simpliciformis n. sp., L. bipartitus n. sp., L. campanulatus n. sp., L. mamaevi n. sp., L. lebedevi n. sp. and L. surianoae n. sp. from Liza carinata (Valenciennes) are differentiated on the basis of the morphometrics of the hard parts of the haptor and male copulatory organ. The eight species represent the first records of species directly attributed to Ligophorus from the Red Sea. Measurements of the haptoral hard-parts and the male copulatory organ of the new species are analysed with the aid of Principal Component Analysis. Three morphological types of male copulatory organ, five types of anchor, and two types of ventral and three types of dorsal bars were distinguished among these species. L. bykhowskyi and L. zhangi from C. crenilabris have the same type of male copulatory organ and anchors. Those species from Liza carinata have only one common morphological character, a thick copulatory tube, but have two types of accessory piece, four types of anchors and three types of bars. All species of Ligophorus found on mullets in the Red Sea have an accessory piece without a distal bifurcation and thus differ from most species of this genus from other regions of the world’s oceans.