Еремеев, В. Н.Нелепо, Б. А.Романов, В. И.2023-06-072023-06-071979Еремеев В. Н., Нелепо Б. А., Романов В. И. О влиянии биохимических и геофизических процессов на вариации изотопного состава кислорода, растворенного в океанической воде // Взаимодействие между водой и живым веществом : труды Междунар. симпоз. (Одесса, 6–10 окт. 1975 г.). – Москва : Наука, 1979. – Т. 2. – С. 12-17.УДК 577.472 + 546.21https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/12668The present paper considers the isotopic content of oxygen dissolved in the ocean water from the point of view of modern theories on the circulation of oxygen in the system ocean—atmosphere, ocean—biosphere. The material used here was taken during the 20th expedition of the research vessel “Mikhail Lomonosov” and the first expedition of "Akademik Vernadsky” to the Tropical and Subtropical Atlantic. In accordance with aims two methodical schemes of analysis were used. In the first case (“Mikhail Lomonosov”) the sampling was carried out immediately after the lifting of bathometers. The water was moved by a siphon into a special flask with an molybdenic glass ampule. After degassing of the water the gas evolved | was gathered in the ampule which was then soldered and sent to a stationary laboratory for analysis. When the second scheme was used (R/V ‘“‘Akademik Vernadsky) the samples were divided into two parts one of which was treated in the usual way while the second one was subjected to a preliminary conservation, as when defining biochemical consumption of oxygen (BCO). The samples intenden for laboratory investigations (case 2) were taken at five stations in the Gulf of Guinea and a station in the region of deep water depression Romansh.Обсуждается связь распределения изотопов кислорода, растворенного в воде океана, с глубиной и фотосинтезом. Показано, что обогащение воды 18-O, как правило, максимально в зонах с наименьшей концентрацией O2.ruО влиянии биохимических и геофизических процессов на вариации изотопного состава кислорода, растворенного в океанической водеThe influence of biochemical and hydrophysical processes on variations of isotopic content of oxygen dissolved in the oceanic water