2018-11-292018-11-292008Экология моря. - 2008. - Вып. 76https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/4811Literature and original data on nematode occurrence in Neogobius (Apollonia) melanostomus in the Black and Azov Seas were analyzed. Infection characteristics of the nematodes registered are presented, with a comparison of the results from sampling period during 1995–2008 and those of the long-term data set. The round goby nematode fauna in the Black Sea consists of two mature forms (Dichelyne minutus, Cucullanus heterochrous) and 9 larvae (Hysterothylacium aduncum, Ascarophis sp., Contracoecum sp., C. microcephalum, C. rudolphii, Cosmocephalus obvelatus, Eustrongylides excisus, Raphidascaris sp., Streptocara crassicauda) Two mature nematodes are known from Azov round gobies (D. minutus и Tetrameres fissispina) as well as three larvae (C. obvelatus, C. microcephalum and S. crassicauda). Only one nematode species, Dichelyne minutus, occurred in N. melanostomus regularly, at all locations, in sufficient abundance and can be considered as the most important, “core” species. Round gobies are occasional hosts for all other nematode species excepting D. minutus. The most original nematode fauna was registered in the round gobies from North-West Crimean coast. Extremely pure nematode fauna of round gobies (D. minutus only) near Bosporus believed to be doubtful, new parasitological investigations in the region are needed.Проанализированы литературные и приведены оригинальные данные о паразитировании нематод у бычка-кругляка Neogobius (Apollonia) melanostomus в Чёрном и Азовском морях. Фауна нематод кругляка в Чёрном море представлена 2 половозрелыми (Dichelyne minutus, Cucullanus heterochrous) и 9 личиночными (Hysterothylacium aduncum; Ascarophis sp.; Contracoecum sp.; C. microcephalum; C. rudolphii; Cosmocephalus obvelatus; Eustrongylides excisus; Raphidascaris sp.; Streptocara crassicauda) формами. От азовских кругляков известны два вида половозрелых нематод (D. minutus и Tetrameres fissispina) и три вида личинок (C. obvelatus, C. microcephalum и S. crassicauda). “Ядро” нематодофауны кругляка в Чёрном и Азовском морях составляет один вид, D. minutus, для прочих нематод этот хозяин является случайным.ruФАУНА НЕМАТОД БЫЧКА-КРУГЛЯКА APOLLONIA (NEOGOBIUS) MELANOSTOMUS В ЧЁРНОМ И АЗОВСКОМ МОРЯХNEMATODE FAUNA OF THE ROUND GOBY, APOLLONIA (NEOGOBIUS) MELANOSTOMUS, IN THE BLACK SEA AND THE SEA OF AZOV