2018-11-262018-11-262002Экология моря. - 2002. - Вып. 62https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/4562The influence of different medium nitrate concentrations on the growth and chemical composition (the content of protein, chlorophyll a, C-phycocyanin and total carotenoids) of S. platensis at industrial semicontinuous cultivation was investigated. Medium nitrate content reduction in the range from 500 to 100 mg N/l had no effect on algal productivity at exponential growth stage. But for all that the percentage of protein and photosynthetic pigments (most important metabolites determining a physiological state of culture) in biomass decreased significantly. Protein and pigments content values were the lowest at 30-10 mg N/l, when normal functioning of metabolic cycles was limited. Such N concentrations seem to be close to the lower nitrogen tolerance limit for spirulina at the specified cultivation method. Nevertheless culture was in a viable state even in these conditions due to high adaptation potential of this species.Исследовано влияние различных концентраций нитрата натрия в среде Заррука на рост и химический состав Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis при ее выращивании в культиваторах открытого типа в квазинепрерывном режиме. Показана положительная корреляция между уровнем азота в среде, с одной стороны, и продуктивностью культуры, содержанием белка и пигментов фотосинтетического комплекса, с другой.ruРОСТОВЫЕ И БИОХИМИЧЕСКИЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ SPIRULINA (ARTHROSPIRA) PLATENSIS (NORDST.) GEITLER ПРИ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ УСЛОВИЯХ АЗОТНОГО ПИТАНИЯGrowth and biochemical characteristics of Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitler under different conditions of nitrogen nutrition