2018-11-022018-11-021981Экология моря. - 1981. - Вып. 6https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/3434The benthos trophic structure was studied in the Novorossiysk bay and in five bays of the Sevastopol area affected to different extent by anthropogenic factors. Three main trophic groups are distinguished: sestonophages (chiefly bivalved molluscs), detrito-phytophages (some polychaeta and gastropods) and carnivores (chiefly polychaetes of the Nephthis genus and gastropods. Tritia reticulata. In the Novorossiysk bay the average annual biomass of zoobenthos in 1966 as compared to 1959-1961 decreased from 65.1 to 20.0 g/m2, and in 1975 increased up to 46.7 g/m2. The biomass of sestonophages was 87.0; 60.7 and 76.9% and that of carnivores — 10.3; 27.3 and 18.6% of total zoobenthos biomass, respectively. The fraction of detrito-phytophages in all the years was insignificant (maximum, 11.9%, was in 1966). When advancing along the Novorossiysk bay from its entrance to its summit, i. e. in the direction of the anthropogenic effect intensification, there occurred a decrease in the total zoobenthos biomass (from 329.2 to 20.1 g/m2) and in sestonophages quantity down to their complete disappearance in the bay summit separated by breakwaters as well as a rise in the fraction of carnivores from 9.2 to 96.2%. An analogus decrease in the number of sestonophages and an increase in that of carnivores was observed in the Sevastopol bays subjected to the effect of anthropogenic factors as compared to relatively pure bays.На примере нескольких черноморских бухт (Новороссийской и Севастопольских) рассматривается изменение во времени и пространстве трофической структуры бентоса. По мере усиления антропогенного воздействия отмечается уменьшение количества сестонофагов (в основном двустворчатых моллюсков) и увеличение численности детритофагов (некоторых полихет) и плотоядных (полихет рода нефтис и гастроподы тритии).ruИЗМЕНЕНИЕ ТРОФИЧЕСКОЙ СТРУКТУРЫ БИОЦЕНОЗОВ РЫХЛЫХ ГРУНТОВ В НЕКОТОРЫХ БУХТАХ ЧЕРНОГО МОРЯ В УСЛОВИЯХ АНТРОПОГЕННОГО ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯChanges in trophic structure of loose ground biocenoses in some Black Sea bays caused by anthropogenic factors