2021-07-142021-07-141985Токарев Ю. Н., Радченко Л. А., Поповичев В. Н. Использование характеристик биолюминесценции для оценки первичной продукции в океане // Гидробиологический журнал. -1985. - Т. 21, № 3. - С. 18-21.УДК [(577.3:581.526.325) +574.55] (26)https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/10082Coefficients of correlation between photosynthesis. and bioluminescence of bathometric samples which were taken by standard levels in the photic layer of the Indian Ocean equatorial part are studied. The revealed relation between the luminescence intensity and photosynthesis value permits developing the proximate method for estimating primary production of the surface layer at night.ruИспользование характеристик биолюминесценции для оценки первичной продукции в океанеApplication of the Bioluminescence Characteristics for Estimating Primary Production in the Ocean