2021-06-282021-06-282002Пиркова А. В., Ладыгина Л. В. РОСТ И ВЫЖИВАЕМОСТЬ ЛИЧИНОК МИДИИ MYTILUS GALLOPROVINCIALIS, ПОЛУЧЕННЫХ ПРИ РАЗНЫХ ТИПАХ СКРЕЩИВАНИЯ И САМООПЛОДОТВОРЕНИИ // Гидробиол. журн. — 2002. — Т. 38, № 4. - С. 30-35.УДК 594.124:639,3(262.5)https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/9964The comparison of growth tempo and surviveness of mussel’s larvae obtained in the result of various types of crossing and selffertilization shows that the highest indexis in group crossing is possible in optimal cultivaling conditions. The ways of obtaining the pure mussel lines is also described. In cases of selffertilization and close relative crossings the inbreeding depression is revealed in periods of transition into the following stage of larva development.ruРОСТ И ВЫЖИВАЕМОСТЬ ЛИЧИНОК МИДИИ MYTILUS GALLOPROVINCIALIS, ПОЛУЧЕННЫХ ПРИ РАЗНЫХ ТИПАХ СКРЕЩИВАНИЯ И САМООПЛОДОТВОРЕНИИGrowth and survival of larvae of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis obtained at different types of cross-breeding and self-fertilization