Муравская, З. А.2023-10-232023-10-231973Муравская З. А. Интенсивность азотистого обмена и ее соотношение с интенсивностью дыхания у морских беспозвоночных // Энергетический обмен водных животных. –– М., 1973. –– С. 73-92. –– (Труды ВГБО / АН СССР; т. 18).https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/13166Data are presented on investigation of nitrogen excretion intensity of different systematic groups of marine invertebrates. It has been shown, that the rate of nitrogen excretion is in power dependence on body weight. This dependence as well as relationship of nitrogen excretion level and level of oxygen consumption of investigated animals are expressed quantitatively in the form of equation. A comparison is made of obtained parameters with analogous values, that were computed proceeding from literary data for various different-sized invertebrates and higher animals.ruИнтенсивность азотистого обмена и ее соотношение с интенсивностью дыхания у морских беспозвоночныхIntensity of nitrogen exchange and its relationship with respirative intensity of marine invertebrates