2018-12-242018-12-242018Труды Центра паразитологии. T. 50: Биоразнообразие паразитов / Центр паразитологии Ин-та проблем экологии и эволюции им. А.Н. Северцова РАН. - М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2018. - 323 с.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/5322A new species of cestodes of the genus Acanthobothruim was found from stingray Dasyatis pastinaca (Dasyatidae) in the Black Sea (Crimea). This species is most closely related to A. crassicolle Wedl, 1855 from D. pastinaca in the Mediterranean Sea and A. cairae Vardo–Zalik & Campbell, 2011 from Bathytoshia centroura in the Atlantic. An analysis of the variability of fragments of two rDNA genes, lsrDNA (28S) and ssrDNA (18S) genes species of Acanthobothrium sp. in the Black Sea revealed a similarity of 99% over 28S with A. mattaylori from Rhynchobatus laevis (Rhynchobatidae) and a 98% similarity with Acanthobothrium sp. 1 from Hypanus longus (Dasyatidae) than with congeneric species who are parasitizing the stingrays of the genus Dasyatis.ruТАКСОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ СТАТУС И МОЛЕКУЛЯРНАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА ЦЕСТОД РОДА ACANTHOBOTHRIUM BLANCHARD, 1848 (CESTODA: ONCHOPROTEOCEPHALIDEA) ОТ СКАТА DASYATIS PASTINACA (L., 1758) В ЧЕРНОМ МОРЕ, КРЫМTaxonomic status and molecular characteristic of Acanthobothrium Blanchard, 1848 (Cestoda: Onchoproteocephalidea) from Dasyatis pastinaca (L., 1758) in the Black Sea, Crimean