Сеничкина, Л. Г.2024-02-052024-02-051994Сеничкина Л. Г. Изменение структуры черноморского фитопланктона при антропогенном воздействии // Морские биологические исследования : 100-летнему юбилею со дня рождения Владимира Алексеевича Водяницкого посвящается. – Севастополь, 1994. – С. 54-64.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/13621Here we have given the results of many years (1938-1990) researches of taxonomic, qualitative and sire structure of phytoplankton community in the coastal waters of the Black Sea near the Crimea and Caucacasus liable to the influence of sewage flows, which are different in their structure, volume and distance from the shove. The main changes in structure of the phytoplankton community of the regions having chronic pollution with this flows consist in impoverishment of species structure increase of the indices of qualitative development, change of the contribution of the main algae groups to the total abundance and biomass of phytoplankton and decrease of sizes of algae cells, wich was been illustrated with actual data on phytoplankton of Sevastopol Bay and Yalta Gulf.ruИзменение структуры черноморского фитопланктона при антропогенном воздействииChanges in the structure of Black Sea phytoplankton community induced by the anthropogenic impact