2021-07-132021-07-131983Миронов О. Г., Миловидова Н. Ю., Цымбал И. М. Формирование бентосных сообществ на новосозданных моловых сооружениях // Гидробиол. журн. - 1983. - 19, № 1. - C. 48 - 52.УДК 577.472https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/10075Quantitative characteristics are presented for phyto- and zoobenthos populating newly erected pier structures. It is established that the pyto- and zoobenthos are similar in qualitative and quantitative respect to natural ones. Biocenoses of pier structures difter in a series of specific peculiarities connected with the period of their formation.ruФормирование бентосных сообществ на новосозданных моловых сооруженияхFormation of Benthic Communities on Newly Erected Pier Structures