2022-02-032022-02-032001Трусевич В. В., Мачкевский В. К. Опыт культивирования мангровой устрицы в эстуариях Гвинейской Республики // Гидробиологический журнал. - 2001. - Т. 37, № 3. - С. 59-69.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/11127The biology of mangrove Oestrea Crassostrea tulipa L. had been investigated under experimental conditions of semicicling farm and the technology of its cultivation had been developed and tested in sonte estuaries of the Guinean Republic. Advanced technology of spat collection and it growing within surface water layer ensures commodity production had been obtained after 6 months with minimum manual labour and erop had been continuously obtained over the whole year. A perspective of creation of economically feasible marine farms in Guinea and adjoining West Africa countries had been shaun. The based investments in these farms are may be compensated during two years.ruОпыт культивирования мангровой устрицы в эстуариях Гвинейской РеспубликиAn experience of cultivation of mangrove Oestrea in estuaries of the Guinean Republic