2018-11-132018-11-131988Экология моря. - 1988. - Вып. 28https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/3827Free A bitumoid and bounded С bitumoid in the Black Sea bottom sediments of the coastal zone of different granulometric composition and of different degree of susceptibility to anthropogenic effect are investigated. It is found that allochthonous organic material of the hydrocarbon nature changes physicochemical properties of the bottom sediments. At the same time bitumoids of different character are formed. Oils (up to 70%) and benzene resins (up to 24%) make up the basis of the reduced A bitumoid. Their content in the oxidized С bitumoid is three or four times as low. A number of aromatic and methane-naphthene hydrocarbons in A bitumoid is 1 or 2 order as high as that in С bitumoid. In this case naphthenes predominate in the composition of methane-naphthene compounds of A bitumoid. They also exist in С bitumoid, but in considerably smaller number.Изучение свободного восстановленного битумоида А и связанного окисленного битумоида С донных осадков береговой зоны показало влияние аллохтонного органического вещества углеводородной природы на свойства битумоидов.ruО РОЛИ АНТРОПОГЕННОГО ФАКТОРА В ФОРМИРОВАНИИ БИТУМОИДОВ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ЧЕРНОМОРСКИХ ДОННЫХ ОСАДКОВ БЕРЕГОВОЙ ЗОНЫ)On the role of anthropogenic factor in the formation of bitumoids (as exemplified by the Black Sea bottom sediments of the coastal zone)