2021-10-042021-10-042002Гулин С. Б., Поликарпов Г. Г., Освач И., Мартен Ж.-М. Геохронологическая реконструкция многолетнего поступления 137Cs из горных и равнинных рек в Черное море и сравнение буферной емкости водосборных бассейнов // Доповiдi НАН Украiни. - 2002. - № 6. - С. 195-199.УДК 574:543.53:539.16 (262.5)https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/10487In the framework of the international projects EROS-21 (EU) and RER/2/003 (IAEA), the trends of radionuclide discharge from the Danube and Coruh rivers were traced using the 137Cs deposition records in the adjacent Black Sea sediments. The 137Cs-derived dating showed that the maximum discharge of 137Cs from the Coruh was delayed for 14 years relative to the date of the Chernobyl accident, reflecting a buffer effect of watershed soils. This transit time is 3 and 1.5 times longer than that in the Danube and Dnieper, respectively, indicating a difference in retention processes in these mountain and lowland catchment basins. The 137Cs profile in Coruh sediments showed the penetration of 137Cs to much greater depths than it would be expected from the 137Cs fallout chronology, suggesting the sediment mizing at a rate of 1.3 cm2 y-1. This value was used to evaluate the deposition chronology of bomb 137Cs, applying the model developed for pulse fallout case. The higher measured activities of 137Cs in the upper sediments, relative to modelled data, may be explained by an additional 137Cs input with eroded soil particles. Subtracting the measured and modelled data allows the differentiation of 137Cs trends of the flood-induced discharge and the slower transit of 137Cs from the catchment basin.ruГеохронологическая реконструкция многолетнего поступления 137Cs из горных и равнинных рек в Черное море и сравнение буферной емкости водосборных бассейновGeochronological reconstruction of the long-term inflow of 137Cs to the Black Sea from mountain and lowland rivers and comparison of the buffer capacity of watersheds