2018-12-062018-12-062015Проблемы патологии, иммунологии и охраны здоровья рыб и других гидробионтов : расширенные материалы IV Междунар. конф., Борок, 24 – 27 сентября 2015 года. – Ярославль : Филигрань, 2015. – 588 с.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/5111Oxidative stress is associated with various pathologies and negative environmental or anthropogenic impacts. Increase of ROS generation and imbalance of prooxidant/antioxidant status in aquatic organisms are the consequences of chemical pollution or (and) the different infections and parasitic invasion. The role of oxidative stress, led different pathological agents and antioxidant defense system in fish health and their adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions are discussed.ruОКИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫЙ СТРЕСС И ПАТОЛОГИИ РЫБOXIDATIVE STRESS AND FISH PATHOLOGIES