2018-11-192018-11-191992Экология моря. - 1992. - Вып. 41https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/4092Diatoms populating macrophytes in the Karadag reservation water area were studied from the standpoint of their species and quantitative development in summer, 1986. Average values of the number and biomass of diatomic foulings were obtained for 9 species of macrophytes in terms of 1 kg of wet weight of the thallom. Ratios of the biomass of macrophytes and their diatomic foulings overgrowth are calculated. An approximate estimate of reserves is made for the whole Karadag water area: 35.6 t of diatomic foulings of the bottom and 36.5 t of diatomic foulings of two dominating associations (cystozeira and cystozeira-phyllophora). Data obtained are of interest for detecting trophic conditions of hydrobionts dwelling.Летом 1986 г. в акватории Карадагского заповедника исследован видовой и количественный состав диатомовых обрастаний макрофитов и каменистых субстратов. Для девяти доминирующих видов макрофитов получены средние значения численности и биомассы диатомового микрооброста в пересчете на 1 кг сырой массы таллома. Произведена примерная оценка запасов для всей акватории Карадага.ruДИАТОМОВЫЕ ОБРАСТАНИЯ МАКРОФИТОВ У КАРАДАГА (КРЫМ)Diatomic foulings of macrophytes near Karadag (the Crimea)