2018-02-212018-02-212016Современные проблемы теоретической и морской паразитологии : сборник научных статей / ред.: К. В. Галактионов, А. В. Гаевская. – Севастополь : Изд-ль Бондаренко Н. Ю., 2016. –242 с.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/631We analyzed the 40 new sequences for study of population variability and host specificity of the T. szidati from three localities of the East European part of the area. DNAs were isolated from mature cercariae or single sporocysts obtained from 6 lymnaeid snails Lymnaea stagnalis and L. (Stagnicola) palustris from Belarus and Russia. Strong association between geographical distribution and snail host specificity cannot be established. BLAST searches showed that all studied sequences have homology with the reverse transcriptase domain (RT) of Penelope-like elements (PLE) of S. mansoni and S. japonicum. Implications of the retroelement dynamics in the life history of avian schistosomes are discussed.ruИспользование последовательностей мобильных генетических элементов для дифференциации церкариальных изолято птичьей шистозомы Trichobilharzia szidati (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae) России и БелоруссииThe use of mobile genetic elements for the population differentiation of avian schistosome Trichobilharzia szidati (Trematoda, Schistosomatidae) from Russia and Belorussia