2022-05-302022-05-301984Мамаев Ю. Л., Парухин А. М. Inbjumia gonostomae gen. et sp. n. - паразит глубоководной рыбы из Индийского океана // Зоологический журнал. - 1984. - Т. 63, Вып. 10. - С. 1567-1569.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/11866A new genus and species of monogeneans is described from Gonostoma sp. caught in the region of the African-Antarctic submarine ridge. The new species is most closely related to Polyipnicola Mamaev et Paruchin, 1975 (Diclidophorinae) and is characterized by a narrow haptor with four pairs of elongated clamps the skeleton of which consists of seven sclerites, a posterior finger-like outgrowth with anchors, intestinal stems fusing in the posterior body end, absence of seminal receptacle.ruInbjumia gonostomae gen. et sp. n. - паразит глубоководной рыбы из Индийского океанаInbjumia gonostomae gen. et sp. n., a parasite of an abyssal fish from the Indian Ocean