2021-09-032021-09-031989Нарусевич Т. Ф., Токарев Ю. Н. Фитопланктон и биолюминесценция в Средиземном море в летний период // Гидробиологический журнал. - 1989. - Т. 25, № 6. - С. 10-16.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/10217Bioluminescence in eutrophic and oligotrophic regions of the Mediterranian Sea in the layer of 0-100 m in summer has been studied. Simultaneously with bioluminescence the species phytoplankton structure and its quantitative development have been investigated. The highest glow level coinciding with the greatest amount of loricate Dinophyta are stated in the regions of bottom emergence where rise of deep waters rich in biogenic elements is observed. Quantitative development of the loricate Dinophyta is minimum in oligotrophic regions of the sea. Bioluminescent bathyphotometric probing is one of the proximate methods characterizing production possibilities of the sea water surfaces.ruФитопланктон и биолюминесценция в Средиземном море в летний периодPhytoplankton and Bioluminescence in the Mediterranean Sea in Summer