2021-07-052021-07-051999Куфтаркова Е. А., Ковригина Н. П., Родионова Н. Ю. Гидрохимическая характеристика вод Балаклавской бухты и прилегающей к ней прибрежной части Черного моря // Гидробиол. журн. - 1999. - 35, №3. - С.88 - 99.УДК 551.464(265.2)https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/10014Hydrochemical regime of Balaklava Bay and adjoining coastal part of the Black Sea is formed in a close interconnection with anthropogenic influence, water dynamics and hydrometeorological conditions. A shallow corner part of the bay taking sewages is the most polluted. Intensive pollution and weak water change are conducive to accumulation of pollution in the bay. There are reasons to regard Balaklava Bay on the whole as a pollution sourse of the adjoining open part of the Black Sea.ruГидрохимическая характеристика вод Балаклавской бухты и прилегающей к ней прибрежной части Черного моряThe hydrochemical characteristic of waters of Balakvava Bay and contiguous Black Sea coastline