2018-11-232018-11-232002Экология моря. - 2002. - Вып. 60https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/4505The analysis of the system characteristics of the cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis in the experiments with different concentrations of nitrogen have shown that the systems failure have occurred at the concentrations 10, 30, 60 mg/l. Under the nitrogen concentrations 100 mg/l the functional relationships were broken. The broken links were being restored during increasing concentration of nitrogen up to 200 mg/l. At the concentration 500 mg/l the restore had continued and the standard deviations decreased. The ranking of the alga quality characteristics was done according to its ability to influence on the system operational reliability of S. platensis. The carotinoid concentrations had the most influence on the system characteristics. The system characteristics have enabled the possibility to estimate the level of the system operation deviation from the normal state, or in other words they can be the generalized criteria for the estimation of its state.Анализ системных характеристик (надежность, сложность, организация, устойчивость) синезеленой одноклеточной водоросли Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitler показал, что при уменьшении концентрации азота в среде увеличивается вероятность сбоя системы вплоть до ее отказа. Ранжирование показателей качества спирулины по величине дисперсионных сумм надежности выявило, что ведущая роль в устойчивости системы функционирования спирулины принадлежит концентрации каротиноидов.ruСИСТЕМНЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ СПИРУЛИНЫ SPIRULINA PLATENSIS (NORDST.) GEITLER В ПРОМЫШЛЕННЫХ УСЛОВИЯХSystem characteristics of Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitler under industrial conditions