2018-11-192018-11-191992Экология моря. - 1992. - Вып. 42https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/411126 fish species (5 orders) were studied in different seasons, 5 of them (3 orders) during the whole year, other in summer. It was noticed that the number of leukocytes depended on natural motive activity of fish. The number of leukocytes in the sprat is 16.000 mm3, that in merlangus 23700/mm3, in the Black sea turbot — 64000/mm3. The number of leukocytes also depends on the physiological state of fish, character of nutrition and physicochemical factors of the environment. A reverse relationship between the number or leukocytes and erythrocytes is established.Проведено количественное изучение лейкоцитов у 26 видов рыб, принадлежащих к 5 отрядам. Отмечены различия в содержании лейкоцитов по видовым, эколого-физиологическим и сезонным признакам. Установлена обратная зависимость между количеством эритроцитов и лейкоцитов.ruКОЛИЧЕСТВО ЛЕЙКОЦИТОВ КРОВИ У РЫБ ЧЕРНОГО И СРЕДИЗЕМНОГО МОРЕЙThe number of blood leucocytes in the Black Sea and Mediterranean fish