2018-11-212018-11-212000Экология моря. - 2000. - Вып. 51https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/4301The first description of Gracilaria dura (Ag.) J. Ag. and its forms from the Black Sea is given. This species has one attached (f. dura) and two unattached (f. sp. and f. urvillii) forms. Anatomical distinctions are insignificant, while morphological signs (e.g. thallus size, the character of branching, the length and number of lateral shoots) vary considerably. G. dura f.dura settles predominantly the shell-grit bottom sites at 5-15 m depths in sheltered and in open waters of the Sevastopol and Novorossiiskaya Bays. G. dura f.sp. and f. urvillii inhabit silty-sandy flats of semi-closed bays at the depths from 3 to 10m; they were found growing in the lower stratum of seagrass phytocenoses.Дана анатомо-морфологическая характеристика Gracilaria dura (Ag.) J. Ag., ее прикрепленной (f. dura) и двух неприкрепленных форм (f. sp. и f. urvillii). Описаны их экология и распространение в Черном море.ruМОРФО-БИОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА И РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЕ GRACILARIA DURA (AG.) J. AG. В ЧЕРНОМ МОРЕThe morpho-biological description and the distribution of Gracilaria dura (Ag.) J. Ag. in the Black Sea