2021-12-072021-12-071979Гаевская А. В., Ковалева А. А. Два новых вида миксоспоридий от капской ставриды из юго-восточной Атлантики // Биология моря. - 1979. - № 3. - С. 80-83.УДК 597—169https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/10856The paper presents two new species of myxosporidia from the horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis of Namibia region. Davisia donecae sp, n. differs from D. longibrachia Kabata in the form of the spore, the length of lateral appendages which is two times smaller in the former, and in their form; it differs from D. reginae Love et Moser in the form of the spore, the larger size of polar capsules and lateral appendages, Ceratomyxa australis sp. n. differs from the most similar C. inconstans Jameson in the form of plasmodia and the presence of pseudopodia in them, the constance of spores form, their larger size and in the form of polar capsules. An adaptation of myxosporidia from the Atlantic horse mackerel of the genus Trachurus to the pelagic mode of life of their hosts is shown.Описаны миксоспоридии ставриды Trachurus trachurus capensis ценной промысловой рыбы шельфовых вод Намибии — Davisia donecae sp. n. и Ceratomyxa australis sp. n.ruДва новых вида миксоспоридий от капской ставриды из юго-восточной АтлантикиTwo new species of myxosporidia, Davisia donecae sp. n. and Ceratomyxa australis sp. n. from the horse mackerel of the South-eastern Atlantic