2022-05-052022-05-051966Петипа Т. С. ПОГЛОЩЕНИЕ КИСЛОРОДА И ПИЩЕВЫЕ ПОТРЕБНОСТИ У ВЕСЛОНОГИХ РАЧКОВ ACARTIA CLAUSI GIESBR. И A. LATISETOSA KRITCZ. // Зоологический журнал. - 1966. - Т. 45, вып. 3. - С. 363-370.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/11715With the increase in size and weight of A. clausi during the period of its growth and development, the metabolism increases proportionally to 0.8 power of the weight. With a rise of temperature the rate of oxygen consumption increases. However, at the temperature between 20 and 25°C a sharp decline of the rate of oxygen consumption is observed in A. clausi, that in A. latisetosa being observed between 25 and 26°C. Diurnal food requirement of A. clausi changes with the advance of its growth from 106.5 to 46.2% of the wet weight of the body.ruПОГЛОЩЕНИЕ КИСЛОРОДА И ПИЩЕВЫЕ ПОТРЕБНОСТИ У ВЕСЛОНОГИХ РАЧКОВ ACARTIA CLAUSI GIESBR. И A. LATISETOSA KRITCZ.OXYGEN CONSUMPTION AND FOOD REQUIREMENT IN COPEPODS ACARTIA CLAUSI GIESBR. AND A. LATISETOSA KRITCZ.