2022-02-032022-02-031998Копытов Ю. П., Цымбал И. М., Дивавин И. А. Биохимический состав органического вещества в воде восточной части Индийского океана // Гидробиологический журнал. - 1998. - Т. 34, № 3. - С. 97-104.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/11114Main components of water organic matter (OM) composition (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, hydrocarbons, nucleic compounds) had been investigated in 0—300 m stratum of South-Eastern part of Australian hollow in the Indian Ocean. 11 stations had been taken, and concentrations of different classes of OM had been determined. Predominant fraction of OM are dissolved carbohydrates, their content is equal 80 % of total OM and 90 % of dissolved part. Compounds with molecular weight of 100 kDa are predominant in OM composition. Hydrocarbon pollution had been detected in the North-Eastern part of the area. Their level is the most high on the depth 150 m. Their presence is connected with the penetration of water stream of heterogeneous structure.ruБиохимический состав органического вещества в воде восточной части Индийского океанаBiochemical composition of the organic Matter in the water of the Indian Ocean