2018-03-222018-03-221988Паразитология. — 1988. — 22 (2). — P. 185–187.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/1435A description, figures and differential diagnosis of a new species of trematodes, Koellikeria inbumi sp. n., of the family Didymozoidae found in the abdominal cavity and under gill cover of Brama brama and Brama sp. in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans are given. The new species is close to the single member of the genus, K. okeni (Kolliker, 1849) Cobbold, 1860, but differs from it in the pressence of the "egg reservoir", biramous ovary, shape of the female posterior portion, considerably smaller sizes of the abdominal sucker, sizes of males which are 4 to 5 times smaller than these of K. okeni.Приведены описание, рисунки и дифференциальный диагноз нового вида дидимозоид Koellikeria inbumi sp. n., обнаруженного в брюшной полости морских лещей Brama sp. в Индийском и под жаберной крышкой Brama brama в Атлантическом океанах.ruKoellikeria inbumiВторой представитель рода Koellikeria (Trematoda, Didymozoidae) в морских лещахThe second member of the genus Koellikeria (Trematoda, Didymozoidae) in sea breams