2018-12-062018-12-062015Проблемы патологии, иммунологии и охраны здоровья рыб и других гидробионтов : расширенные материалы IV Междунар. конф., Борок, 24 – 27 сентября 2015 года. – Ярославль : Филигрань, 2015. – 588 с.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/5112The health status of Black Sea scorpion fish Scorpaena porcus in Sevastopol bays characterizing different level of pollution were studied. The concentration of TBA-reactive products were significantly higher in fish liver from the most polluted site as well as the values of spontaneous and initial chemiluminescence of hepatic extracts. The obtained results demonstrated the oxidative stress in the liver of fish caught in the contaminated area.ruВЛИЯНИЕ ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЯ НА ПАРАМЕТРЫ ОКИСЛИТЕЛЬНОГО СТРЕССА В ТКАНЯХ РЫБEFFECT OF POLLUTION ON OXIDATIVE STRESS PARAMETERS IN FISH TISSUES