2018-11-122018-11-121986Экология моря. - 1986. - Вып. 22https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/3709Regions of the Deivis, Modelnaya, Valdiviya elevations of the subtropical and tropical Atlantics located in the zone of the South Anticyclonic circulation are characterized by the low quantity of ichthyoplankton. The average geometrical quantity of eggs amounted to 2-7 specimens/100 m3, and that of larvae — 3-8 specimens/100 m3. Higher indices of ichthyoplankton are characteristic of the Udachnaya bank located in the tropical zone of cyclonic circulation where the average geometrical quantity of eggs is 20 specimens/100 m3 and that of larvae — 27 specimens/100 m3. The larvae of the oceanic species of Myctophidae and Gonostomatidae families predominate in the region of all the elevations under study. They accounted for 74-93% of all the species composition of fish larvae. The Deivis bank being a plane plateau with the smallest depth of 50 m is an exception. In this region fish larvae are presented both by neritic and oceanic species. Larvae of the neritic fish from Gobiidae and Serranidae families made up an essential part (35%).В сравнительном аспекте рассматривается видовой состав и распределение личинок рыб в районе океанических поднятий субтропической и тропической зон Южной Атлантики. Выявлены различия в качественном составе и количественном распределении личинок рыб в зависимости от морфологии банок и их географического положения.ruРАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ЛИЧИНОК РЫБ В РАЙОНЕ ОКЕАНИЧЕСКИХ ПОДНЯТИЙ В ТРОПИЧЕСКОЙ И СУБТРОПИЧЕСКОЙ ЗОНАХ ЮЖНОЙ АТЛАНТИКИDistribution of fish larvae in the region of the oceanic elevations in tropical and subtropical zones of the South Atlantics