2018-12-242018-12-242018Труды Центра паразитологии. T. 50: Биоразнообразие паразитов / Центр паразитологии Ин-та проблем экологии и эволюции им. А.Н. Северцова РАН. - М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2018. - 323 с.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/5323Distribution of 7 species of Ligophorus spp. parasitizing 4 species of mullets in the Black Sea was analysed over the selected sites on the gills of their hosts. It is shown that all investigated Ligophorus spp. are non-uniformly distributed over the gills and that the general mode of their distribution (the sites preferred by each species) is independent of the infection intensity. Tendency of the equalization of the proportions of monogeneans between gill sites with increasing in their numbers was revealed. The niche breadth (positively) and the intraspecific aggregation index (negatively) do depend on the infrapopulation numbers of each species.ruОСОБЕННОСТИ РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ МОНОГЕНЕЙ РОДА LIGOPHORUS НА ЖАБРАХ ЧЕРНОМОРСКИХ КЕФАЛЕЙ В ЗАВИСИМОСТИ ОТ ЧИСЛЕННОСТИPeculiarities of the distribution of monogenean Ligophorus spp. on the gills of mullets in the Black Sea depending on the number