2018-09-212018-09-212016Морской биологический журнал. - 2016. - Т. 1, № 4https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/2643The Conference was held during 19–24 September 2016 in Sevastopol. More than 220 scientists from 52 research and educational organizations from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Turkey attended the Conference. The researchers discussed a lot of issues of the history of marine biological research, biology and ecology of aquatic organisms, ecological bio-energetics, biochemistry and genetics of aquatic organisms, problems of the marine biodiversity and ecological functioning assessment and conservation, approaches for the evaluation of the productivity and dynamics of marine ecosystems and the impacts from the environment and anthropogenic pressures. Also, the issues of radioecology, pollution and the bio-indication of water quality, sustainable use of natural resources, marine and terrestrial protected areas, marine biological resources, biotechnology and aquaculture were thoroughly discussed. Three Proceedings volumes were prepared, based on the reports submitted to the Conference.ruВСЕРОССИЙСКАЯ НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ С МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫМ УЧАСТИЕМ «МОРСКИЕ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: ДОСТИЖЕНИЯ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ», приуроченная к 145-летию Севастопольской биологической станцииAll-Russian scientific-practical conference with International participate “Marine biological research: achievements and perspectives”