2018-11-192018-11-191992Экология моря. - 1992. - Вып. 42https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/4109Electric current-induced bioluminescence of copepods P. borealis has been studied under experimental hypo- and hyperosmoticity. Variations in the medium salinity affect all the parameters of bioluminescent flares of copepods but they are true at 15-20% shifts of salt concentration from the control (35%) and at expositions over 6 hours. The luminous radiation period is maximum in fresh waters and minimum in the most salty waters. Energy characteristics of luminous radiation decrease in the hypo- and hyperosmotic medium; these changes considerably depend on the time of exposure under experimental conditions.Исследовано влияние солености среды на биолюминесцентную реакцию P. borealis. Рассмотрены выявленные закономерности в изменении индуцированной электрическим током биолюминесценции.ruВЛИЯНИЕ СОЛЕНОСТИ СРЕДЫ НА БИОЛЮМИНЕСЦЕНЦИЮ КОПЕПОДEffect of medium salinity on bioluminescence of copepods