2018-11-132018-11-131987Экология моря. - 1987. - Вып. 26https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/3780Species composition and quantitative distribution of ichthyoplankton are studied in 8 different subsurface elevation regions of the Atlantic Ocean located in different geographical zones. In subsurface elevation regions with the depths over them from 200 to 1000 m there are mainly larvae of ocean fish species inhabiting epi-, meso- and bathypelagial. The greatest species diversity was observed over the Serra Leone elevation (52 species of fish larvae from 21 families). Larvae of Vinciguerria nimbaria dominated (35% of total quantity of all species detected in catches). The regions of the studied elevations are characterized by small quantity of fish larvae — 5-14 specimens per 100 m3 on the average. However within the area of studies there are regions of higher concentrations of larvae confined to the zones of eddies of cyclonal and anticyclonal direction.В сравнительном аспекте рассматриваются видовой состав и количественное распределение личинок рыб в районах горы Хекате, поднятий Доброе, Сложное и Майское. гор Крюизе и Эрвинг, банки Метеор и возвышенности Сьерра-Леоне в зависимости от их географического положения и морфологии.ruРАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ИХТИОПЛАНКТОНА В РАЙОНЕ ПОДНЯТИЙ ДНА СЕВЕРНОЙ И ЦЕНТРАЛЬНО-ВОСТОЧНОЙ АТЛАНТИКИDistribution of ichthyoplankton in the subsurface elevation region of the North and Central-Eastern Atlantic