Гаевская, А. В.2023-04-102023-04-101987Гаевская А. В. СОСТОЯНИЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ИХТИОПАРАЗИТОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ В АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОМ ОКЕАНЕ И ЕГО МОРЯХ // Труды ЗИН. - 1987. - Т. 171. Вопросы паразитологии и патологии рыб. - С. 103-114.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/12281Results of parasitological studies of the fish carried out in the Atlantic Ocean and its seas during 1981 to 1985 are reviewed. The paper is based on numerous materials collected by the Atlantic institute of fisheries and oceanology (AtlantNIRO) as well as on the data of Soviet and foreign authors. Diversity of studies is noted, involving investigations of fish parasite fauna from different areas, studies of taxonomy, morphology, philogeny and zoogeography of parasites of various systematic groups; ecology of fish parasite fauna and their circulation in the ocean, parasites as tags of different biological aspects of their hosts, parasites of medical and economic importance, pathogenic influence of parasites on the fish were also studied. Necessity of studying the parasites as integral component of marine ecosystems is emphasized. It is noted that several groups of parasites, in particular protozoans, are understudied. Uneven geographical pattern of fish parasitological studies is shown. Perspectives of those in the Atlantic ocean and its seas are outlined.ruСОСТОЯНИЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ИХТИОПАРАЗИТОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ В АТЛАНТИЧЕСКОМ ОКЕАНЕ И ЕГО МОРЯХSTATE AND PERSPECTIVES OF FISH PARASITOLOGICAL STUDIES IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN AND ITS SEAS