2018-11-132018-11-131987Экология моря. - 1987. - Вып. 26https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/3783Different biogeochemical indices characterize bottom sediments sampled during the 17th voyage of the research vessel „Professor Vodyanitsky" in summer of 1984 in the Bulgarian shelf. The amount of organic matter in coarse sands is low (0.13% of (Corg) and consists of lipids, protein, carbohydrates, chloroform bitumoid (85.4%). Pelitic silts contain 1.89% of Corg whose greater part (60%) presented by newly formed components — humic substances and not by low-transformed compounds. Aleurites, silty sands and shell sands with silt admixture contain equal amounts of the above groups of compounds in case of Corg 0.52-1.12%. Aleurites of the port aquatory which accumulate the low-transformed organic matter of allochthonous nature are an exception.В дночерпательных пробах донных осадков, собранных летом 1984 г. на болгарском шельфе, определены биогеохимические показатели (натуральная влажность, рН, Eh, Сорг, Nобщ, хлороформный битумоид, липиды, белок, углеводы), которые характеризуют современное состояние донных осадков.ruБИОГЕОХИМИЧЕСКАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА ДОННЫХ ОСАДКОВ ЗАПАДНОГО ШЕЛЬФА ЧЕРНОГО МОРЯBiogeochemical characteristic of bottom sediments in the western shelf of the Black Sea