2022-01-312022-01-311990Алеев Ю. Г. Топоэкологические категории и экоморфы гидробионтов // Гидробиологический журнал. - 1990. - Т. 26, № 1. - С. 3-7.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/11078The topoecological character of traditional categories of hydrobionsts (bioseston, plankton, nekton, benthos, pleiston, neiston, etc.) is shown as based on the original ecomorphological investigations. A common topoecological classification of hydrobionts is first substantiated and correlation of their topoecological and ecomorphological categories is considered. Ecomorphological spectra of topoecological complexes of hydrobionts are presented and the causes of their variety are discussed.ruТопоэкологические категории и экоморфы гидробионтовTopoecological Categories and Ecomorphs of Hydrobionts