2021-07-082021-07-081991Давидович Н. А. ЗАВИСИМОСТЬ ПРОДУКЦИИ ФИТОПЛАНКТОНА ПОД ЕДИНИЦЕЙ ПЛОЩАДИ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ ОТ КОЭФФИЦИЕНТА ВЕРТИКАЛЬНОГО ОСЛАБЛЕНИЯ СВЕТА В ВОДЕ // Гидробиол. журн.— 1991.—Т. 27, № 4. - С. 10-14.УДК 581.526.325:574.52https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/10049A relationship between the values of phytoplankton production under a unit of area in water column for some time interval for a day (Am-2) and cerresponding coefficients of vertical light attenuation in water (α) is proved to be inversely proportional. The proof is underlain by the Smith and Steel equations describing light photosynthesis curves and by the Bouguer-Lambert law describing light attenuation with depth. The theoretical dependence is in close agreement with results from practical measurements of Am-2 and α in the Danube (the Soviet part) and the Sasyk reservoir.ruЗАВИСИМОСТЬ ПРОДУКЦИИ ФИТОПЛАНКТОНА ПОД ЕДИНИЦЕЙ ПЛОЩАДИ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ ОТ КОЭФФИЦИЕНТА ВЕРТИКАЛЬНОГО ОСЛАБЛЕНИЯ СВЕТА В ВОДЕDependence of Phytoplankton Production under a Unit of the Surface Area on the Coefficient of Vertical Light Attenuation in Water