Академия Наук Украинской ССР Институт биологии южных морей им. А.О. Ковалевского2017-12-122017-12-121968https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/38Cercaria owrean (Hutton, 1952) was found in the intestine of Sagitta inflata from plankton of the Gulf of Mexico. The pelagical fish of the Mediterranean basin was found to have cystless metacercaria of the family Accacoeliidae. They infect Trigla pini, Naucrates ductor, Myctophum punctatum, Diplodus annularis and Spicara smaris. As many sea invertebrates, the fish is included into the cycle development of Accacoeliidae and used as a supplementary or reservoir host.ruК обнаружению личинок Accacoeliidae у рыб и беспозвоночныхOn finding Accacoeliidae larvae in the fishes and invertebrates