2018-11-192018-11-191996Экология моря. - 1996. - Вып. 45https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/4146Analyzis of ecological-parasilolgical investigations carried out in the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas during 30 years period has indicated some directions of them: study of qualitative and quantitative composition of parasite fauna mainly helminths of fishes and invertebrates from the different regions of the World Ocean; study of life cycles, biology and ecology of parasites mainly from the Black Sea; definitation of place and role of parasites in marine ecosystem formation and activity; changes of the Black Sea parasite fauna in the new ecological condition. The problems of applied parasitology including the working out of conception of parasitological monitoring as biotechnological element in mariculture, the publications of different handbooks, text-books and monographs occupy a great place in parasitological investigations.Статья содержит краткую информацию об основных итогах паразитологических - исследований в ИНБЮМ НАН Украины за более чем тридцатилетний период и I раскрывает перспективы эколого-паразитологических исследований на южных морях.ruЭКОЛОГО-ПАРАЗИТОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ В ИНБЮМ НАН УКРАИНЫ: СОСТОЯНИЕ, ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫEcological-parasitological investigations in the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas: the principal results and perspectives