2018-02-212018-02-212016Современные проблемы теоретической и морской паразитологии : сборник научных статей / ред.: К. В. Галактионов, А. В. Гаевская. – Севастополь : Изд-ль Бондаренко Н. Ю., 2016. –242 с.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/633Genetic variation of the sequence of mitochondrial gene cox I was revealed between the isolates of Trichinella nativa obtained from different terrestrial and marine mammals in two region of the Russian Far East. The same haplotype is reported for marine and terrestrial mammals. Some haplotypes found during this survey are identical to those reported for T. nativa from hosts in European part of Palearctic.ruАнализ нуклеотидных митохондриальных последовательностей Cox I изолятов Trichinella nativa от морских и сухопутных млекопитающих Дальнего Востока РоссииAn analysis of cox I nucleotide mitochondrial sequences of Trichinella nativa isolates from marine and terrestrial mammals of the Russian Far East