2021-07-062021-07-061995Силкин Ю. А., Столбов А. Я. Воздействие хлорида кадмия на внешнее дыхание и катионную проницаемость эритроцитов черноморской скорпены Scorpena porcus L. // Гидробиол. журн. - 1995. - Т. 31, № 5. - С.72-77.УДК 597.585.2:591.1:577.4https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/10033The influence of cadmium hloride on external respiration and passive permeability of sodium and potassium ions in erythrocytes has been investigated in Scorpaena porcus L. It has been shown considerable variability of rate Oxygen consumption by Fishes caused by toxicant addition (0,2 mmol/l) in respirometer. Addition of CdCl2 (0,2 mmol/l) in erytrocyte suspension incubated in isoosmotic medias of different ionic strength increased significantly passive efflux of potassium. Cadmium did not change sodium loss of Fish red cells suspened in liw electrolite medias and stimulated passive influx of sodium in cells suspended in physiological medias.ruВоздействие хлорида кадмия на внешнее дыхание и катионную проницаемость эритроцитов черноморской скорпены Scorpena porcus L.The effect Cadmium Chloride on the external respiration and kationic penetration of Black-sea Scorpena (Scorpaena porcus L.) erythrocytes