2018-11-212018-11-212000Экология моря. - 2000. - Вып. 50https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/4250The description of water dynamics in the Balaklava Bay and adjacent waters on data from autonomous buoy stations and experiments with freely floating drifters are given. Distinctive features of water circulation and horizontal turbulent water exchange and their influence on the ecological status of region were defined. Semi-closed contour of the bay, the restricted water exchange with open sea, high level of industrial and municipal sewage and run-off discharge and prevailing winds and currents give every reason to regard the Balaklava Bay as a pollution source of the nearby zone of the sea. However high rates of exchange processes at the sea shore would reduce anthropogenic impact on the coastal water area. It is confirmed by characteristics of the sea water quality.По данным автономно-буйковых станций и экспериментов с пусками свободно плавающих вех дана характеристика динамики вод Балаклавской бухты и прилегающей акватории Черного моря. Выявлены особенности циркуляции вод и характеристик горизонтального турбулентного обмена. Определено их влияние на экологическое состояние региона.ruДИНАМИКА ВОД БАЛАКЛАВСКОЙ БУХТЫ И ПРИЛЕГАЮЩЕЙ АКВАТОРИИ ЧЕРНОГО МОРЯWater dynamics in the Balaklava Bay and adjacent waters of the Black Sea