2018-11-192018-11-191993Экология моря. - 1993. - Вып. 44https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/4127Material was collected in the morning, in the day time and in the evening at the depth of 0.3-0.5 m in the Omega Bay of Sevastopol using special sampler (5) which separates cystoseira bush into three stages. Amphipoda, anisopoda and polychaeta prevailed on cystoseira. Maximum abundance of polychaeta and anisopoda was observed here in the evening (about 32 and 17 thou. sp. kg-1), while amphipoda prevailed in the morning (about 16 thou. sp. kg-1). In contrast of tube-building anisopoda which are uniformly distributed along the bushes, more mobile amphipoda and polychaeta prevailed at different time of the day at different stages. Under these conditions some species move apparantly asynchronously along the bushes. The picture of distribution of 7 species of amphipoda and 7 species of polychaeta along the bushes was determined by the prevailing Amphithoe vaillanti and Grubea clavata. Two species of anisopoda were distinguished, Leptochelia savignyi being predominating one. Single Tanais cavolini specimens occured like isopoda.На цистозире в прибрежной зоне севастопольской бухты Омега утром преобладали амфиподы и анизоподы, вечером — полихеты. Анизоподы относительно равномерно распределялись вдоль кустов, амфиподы и полихеты преобладали в различное время суток в разных ярусах. Картину распределения 7 видов амфипод и 7 видов полихет определяли преобладающие среди них Amphithoe vaillanti и Grubea clavata.ruОСОБЕННОСТИ РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ РАКООБРАЗНЫХ И ПОЛИХЕТ НА ЦИСТОЗИРЕ В ПРИБРЕЖНОЙ ЗОНЕ ЧЕРНОГО МОРЯDistribution peculiarities of crustaceans and polychaeta on cystoseira in the coastal zone of the Black Sea