2018-07-262018-07-261993Экология моря. - 1993. - Т. 43https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/2084С. glaucum with sculptural anomalies of the shell (to 30%) are found in a small site when studying benthos in the Sevastopol bay. A number of data have been used to compare normal and, pathological growth of the shells by the indices of length, height and thickness as well as life span of molluscs. Growth disturbances are presumably attributed to the periodical action of dissolved chemical pollutants on the mantle epithelium — in a zone of its immediate contact with water. Measurement of the shell thickness is shown to be informative.При исследовании бентоса в Севастопольской бухте на одном из участков отмечена высокая встречаемость двустворок Cerastoderma glaucum с явными отклонениями в скульптурном рисунке раковин. На большом материале проведено сравнение роста нормальных и аномальных моллюсков.ruПатологические изменения структуры раковин (Cerastoderma glaucum Poiret (Mollusca: Bivalvia) в Севастопольской бухтеPathological Changes of Sculpture in Shells of Cerastoderma glacum Poiret (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Sevastopol Bay