2021-06-242021-06-242006Костенко Н. С., Дикий Є. О., Заклецький О. А. СУЧАСНИЙ СТАН МАКРОФIТОБЕНТОСУ ШЕЛЬФОВИХ ЗОН ЧОРНОГО МОРЯ (ПIВДЕННО-СХIДНИЙ КРИМ) // Гидробиол. журн. — 2006. — Т. 42, № 2. - С. 48-54.УДК [581. 526. 323: 547,5] (262.5) (477.75)https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/9954The description of the microphytobenthos of the South-East part of Crimea — the region of Karadag, Feodosiya bay and Meganom peninsula are shown in this article. Data were conducted for the period of 2002—2005 based on the analysis of the quantitative probes, taken from the depths of 0,5—15 meters. It is shown that the original oligotrophyc plant communities are in the entire Karadag area , however, presently they are partially transformed as a result of the anthropogenic eutrophication. The research area is characterized as the aqua territory of the medium level of pollution. Feodosiya bay is characterized as aqua territory with high level of the anthropogenic pressure, but in some places original oligotrophyc phytocenosis are saved. Aqua territory of the Meganom peninsula is characterized as the one with a high representative of the original phytocenosis. Reservation of the Meganom peninsula is recommended.На пiдставi аналiзу кiлькiсних проб, взятих на глибинi 0,5—15 м, наведено опис сучасного стану макрофiтобентосу Пiвденно-Схiдного Криму — району Карадагу, Феодосiйськоi затоки та пiвострова Меганом станом на 2002—2005 рр.ukмакрофiтобентосдонна рослиннiстьКримЧорне мореСУЧАСНИЙ СТАН МАКРОФIТОБЕНТОСУ ШЕЛЬФОВИХ ЗОН ЧОРНОГО МОРЯ (ПIВДЕННО-СХIДНИЙ КРИМ)Modern state of macrophytobenthos of the Black Sea shelf zones (Southeastern Crimea)