2020-01-132020-01-131979Основы биологической продуктивности Черного моря / Под общ. ред. В. Н. Грезе. — Киев: Наукова думка, 1979. — 392 с.УДК 577.472 (262.5)https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/8059The book is a comprehensive summary of all the data obtained by Soviet, Bulgarian Rumanian and other scientists who were engaged in studying biology and productivity of the Black Sea. The description of the sea ecosystem biological elements is preceded by three chapters dealing with characteristics of hydrological, optical and hydrochemical conditions in the sea. The following sections are devoted to a detailed consideration of phytoplankton, micro- and macrophytobenthos, their taxonomic composition, distribution, amount and their primary production. All the categories of consumers: zooplankton, zoobenthos, fishes as well as bacteria, both those inhabiting water strata and contained in the bottom ground, are discussed in the same way. A special chapter deals with ecological and physiological processes occurring in-animal organisms which determine the rates of energy flow and energy conversion in populations. In conclusion an attempt is made to develop a mathematical analogue of the Black Sea pelagic ecosystem.Монография написана коллективом авторов из СССР, Болгарии и Румынии — ведущих специалистов в области морской биологии, химии и гидрологии. Представляет сводку современных данных, характеризующих все элементы биологической системы Черного моря от планктонных водорослей до бактерий и рыб. Особое внимание уделено процессам биологического продуцирования, оценке производительности моря. Рассчитана на гидробиологов, ихтиологов, зоологов и ботаников, работников рыбной промышленности.ruОсновы биологической продуктивности Черного моряProductivity of the Black Sea