2022-01-252022-01-251980Тимощук В. И., Рисик Н. С. Тонкая структура солености воды на взморье Дуная // Гидробиологический журнал. - 1980. - Т. 16, № 4. - С. 99-105.https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/11026The data of analysis made for water sampled with a gradient bathometer show the heterogeneity of the Danube coastal waters microstructure in the vertical salinity profiles. Generation and variability of vertical structural heterogeneities are accounted for by the wind effect. A decrease in the value of structural heterogeneities variability from the surface to bottom is statistically valid.ruТонкая структура солености воды на взморье ДунаяFine Salinity Structure of the Danube Coastal Waters