2018-09-212018-09-212016Морской биологический журнал. - 2016. - Т. 1, № 4https://repository.marine-research.ru/handle/299011/2646The fifth International Scientific Conference ”Lake ecosystems: biological processes, anthropogenic transformation, and water quality” was devoted to the memory of corresponding member of NASB, Professor Alexander P. Ostapenya (1939–2012), who was a leader in hydrobiology of Belarus and a world leading scientist on the topic. The various aspects of aquatic ecology were discussed at the conference by scientists from 17 countries.ruВЗГЛЯД НА СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЭКОЛОГИИ ВОДОЁМОВ С БЕРЕГОВ ОЗЕРА НАРОЧЬ: V МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ «ОЗЁРНЫЕ ЭКОСИСТЕМЫ: БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОЦЕССЫ, АНТРОПОГЕННАЯ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯ, КАЧЕСТВО ВОДЫ»A look on the current problems of aquatic ecology from shores of Lake Naroch: V International Conference ”Lake ecosystems: biological processes, anthropogenic transformation, and water quality”