Иммунологические аспекты взаимоотношений в системе «цестоды – рыбы»

Immunological aspects of relations in the “Cestodes -fish” system


Аннотация (alternative)

Relations in the “Parasite - host” system may be divided in two big and interconnected blocks: 1) host immune response pointed at destruction or expulsion of parasite; 2) mechanisms provided parasite evasion from host immune response or pointed at suppression of this response. On the one side, we investigated fish immune response during cestodes invasion. On the other hand, we studied distribution of immunomodulators - prostaglandins E2 and D2 in cestodes' organism. Also we demonstrated that prostaglandin E2 in vitro had immunomodulator influence on fish leucocyte culture.

Ключевые слова

Библиографическое описание

Современные проблемы теоретической и морской паразитологии : сборник научных статей / ред.: К. В. Галактионов, А. В. Гаевская. – Севастополь : Изд-ль Бондаренко Н. Ю., 2016. –242 с.