Годичный цикл развития массовых Copepoda в Черном море

Annual Cycle of Development of Mass Copepoda in the Black Sea



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Установлено число генераций и продолжительность развития четырех видов Copepoda. Эвритермные и стенотермные холодолюбивые виды образуют семь-восемь генераций, теплолюбивый стенотермный вид — четыре-пять. Длительность развития одного поколения у первых равна месяцу—полутора, у последнего — месяцу.

Аннотация (alternative)

By the materials of statistical analysis of populations of four mass Copepoda species from the Black sea — Calanus helgolandicus (Claus), Centropages ponticus Karavajev, Acartia clausi Giesbr., Oithona nana Giesbr. and by the data of many days station in June, 1959, it was established that eurythermal and stenothermal psychrophil species gave seven-eight generations a year under conditions of the Black sea thermophilic stenothermal species has 4 generations but in the years with warm prolong autumn it can form even 5 generations. Annual cycle of development of this species confirms its ability to lay eggs of two types: summer and rest one. An average longevity of one generation of eurythermal and stenothermal psychrophil Calanoida is equal to a month in summer and autumn, to a month and a half — in winter and spring. Thermophilic species develops with the same month periodicity during its existence in plankton. In Cyclopoida (Oithona) the periodicity of generations is one month in summer, a month and a half — in autumn and spring and two. months — in winter.

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Библиографическое описание

Сажина Л. И. Годичный цикл развития массовых Copepoda в Черном море // Гидробиологический журнал. - 1971. - Т. 7, № 5. - С. 38-46.